PPTX to PDF Converter

Transform your PowerPoint presentation into a easily sharable and fixed format using this PPTX to PDF converter. It's fast, free, and there's no limit to how often you can use it.

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PPTX Files

PPTX files, indicated by the .pptx extension, are presentations composed of slides. They are mainly created with Microsoft PowerPoint versions released post-2004. Prior to 2004, PPTX was not available and PPT was the default format. PPTX is more advanced than PPT as it uses XML-based format instead of binary. Despite similarities, both formats consist of one or multiple slides that may contain text, images, graphics, and other elements. PPTX files can also be created, edited, and opened by other slideshow programs.

PPTX to PDF Conversion

Sharing, uploading, and archiving PowerPoint presentations are common tasks, however, there are scenarios where it's better to convert PPTX to PDF before doing so. For example, when sharing with someone who doesn't have PowerPoint or will view it on a mobile device, or uploading to a site that doesn't support the PPTX format. PDFs are universal and can be opened and saved anywhere, including sites that accept document uploads. Converting PPTX to PDF is simple with our free conversion service, which can be easily accessed in a browser without any email or credit card information required. Additionally, you can use this tool as many times as needed without any limitations.